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Three easy promotion ideas to attract visitors to your display

Wouldn't it be great if you simply built your exhibition display, and visitors be automatically drawn to your space, like honey to a bee. For a long time, this may have been the case, but now trade show visitors have more skepticism and are less likely to leave the aisle and enter display spaces.


It’s not that trade show attendance is low, in fact, attendance at exhibitions is actually increasing. Attendee skepticism is due to the wealth of information available on the internet about products and companies, which has put buyers in control of the buying process. This means that you have to work harder to get their attention, and to convince them to buy from you. Here are three promotional opportunities that can attract passers by into your exhibition stand.


Offer some value

If you offer enough value, attendees will give you their time. Whatever form that takes, from a free sample, discount or show special, a giveaway with a high perceived value, or even a chance to win something different, such as an experience or learning. Make sure your offer will appeal to your specific audience, to ensure you attract more targeted leads to your stand.


An experience

Want to be remembered? An experience can engage attendees and make a great impression. You can’t beat a well choreographed demonstration that proves your product is superior to any substitutes. Try entertainment that can’t be seen elsewhere, a chance to meet a celebrity or an activity that appeals to the senses. Don’t neglect personalised interaction that shows your visitors they are valued.


Some Learning

The reason that people go to exhibitions and trade shows is to find out, up close, what products are available that can solve their problems. This is an opportunity to help your visitors learn about your product or company, how it solves their problems, how familiar you are with current industry trends, how you can help them with their needs and be better at their jobs.

Promotions are a necessity for making sure your exhibition experience reaches its full potential. Think of ways to provide great value, learning or an experience in your stand, and and watch the right people flock to your stand.

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